A cleanup job/task might be running in the background on your device, or clearing out the temp folder would have deleted these files from the Bluezone folder that is necessary for MARSHA to run.
Folder location: Appdata > Local > Temp > Bluezone > 10.2 [this folder should contain 48 files to launch the SBA applications].
The below are the directories which will be created upon successful installation of Bluezone.
• C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\BlueZone Web
• C:\Users\username\Documents\BlueZone
• C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\BlueZone
Please follow the below steps for reinstallation of MARSHA/zOS:
- Open Run from Windows search.
- Type %temp% and click on OK
- Delete the Bluezone folders if present ("Bluezone" & "Bluezone W2HCM")
- Login to SBA (https://sba.marriott.com)
- Download Step 2
- Connect
- Run Step 4 and let the installation complete.
- Once the installation completed, session manager will open. Close the session manager.
- Disconnect once and sign out.
- Sign in back again.
- Once connected you will be able to see both new MARSHA and new zOS links.
There are some other things that might also be the potential causes:
- Incomplete installation/caching of the files.
- Launching the SBA via the desktop shortcut.
- Running the config file (Step -2) without connecting or directly from the downloads.
- Running the config after even after successful installation of MARSHA/zOS.
- Launching MARSHA via MGS portal.